Dr. Eggman's Mind Control Mobile

Dr. Eggman has created a mind control device on his egg-mobile, which he now likes to call the 'Mind Control Mobile' [said in a villainous voice]. He has captured Sonic and taken over his mind. Now, with the help of Evil Sonic; Eggman and his badniks have been able to take over all six of the original zones. Evil Sonic has also helped Eggman obtain the 6 Chaos emeralds. But wait.. there seems to be a problem! The mind control mobile has a fault and is slowly turning sonic into Eggman. He has already grown a large brown moustache, just as fine as Dr. Eggman's. If Eggman doesn't stop the device, eventually Sonic could become Dr. RobotSonik!
#green hill
#scrap brain
#chaos emeralds
#mind control
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Dr. Eggman’s Takeover

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