Sonic The...Eggman!?

In an attempt to steal the Chaos Emeralds under Sonic's watch, while also ruining Sonic's image, Eggman and his robotic minions decided to play a little "prank" on that inferior blue rodent. By experimenting with one of Sonic's classic power-ups, he implemented his DNA into the device to modify Sonic's appearance for the worse. Thinking this power-up would assist Sonic in locating the nefarious Dr. Eggman, Sonic unleashed the item's true power and became...well...whatever he is in the picture above! Despite Eggman's plan working wonders, it turns out that Sonic the...Eggman not only retained the speed of his former self but also the intelligence of his archenemy in addition to growing quite large in height and width! Will Sonic be able to revert to his original form and save the day? Will Eggman be able to escape the very thing he created? Will Orbot and Cubot ever receive vacation days for their hard work? We will have to see!

#sonic the hedgehog
#video game
Image attached to challenge
Winners announced
Dr. Eggman’s Takeover

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