Valentines Day With Cats

Valentines day with my cats is always my favourite day. But today I knew it was going to be one of those days when I came home after a tiring day shopping for treats and saw a present at the door..a freshly caught rodent!
Dare I go any further? What else have they done?..
Is that a tap running I can hear?
Why is that can rolling?..

The whole place is trashed!..
OK where are they?..

There's one!.. How does a cat even fit up there? How does a cat open a cupboard mounted on a wall?
and where did they get that from?
..and there's the other one!..
What goes through their heads? ..its a mystery all insoluble.
But how can I be angry? I get extra Loud purring, wet leg nuzzling, claw holes in my back and one cat stuck in my knee because he's to heavy to scrape himself all the way up. "Yes I got food just give me a chance to put it down"!
Happy Valentines day!

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