Space: Space Mission: Put Away the Toy Box!
A sleeping boy is dreaming. He packs everything he needs into a single toy box and goes on an adventure through space with his teddy bear.
- Children's Space Suit - There is an arm to hold your buddy's stuffed robot in place. It is a product of the boy's creation.
- Teddy Bear - When the boy gets lost, it will hold his hand and help him navigate. It also gives him a hug when he is happy or sad.
- Flashlight - Illuminates the universe in all directions. I also use it to go to the bathroom at night.
- New umbrella - The boy's favorite.
- Mom's camera - The boy brought it without telling Mom, and I'm worried she'll get mad.
- Dad's Toolbox - Can fix anything from fixing a spaceship to a leaky faucet.
- Skateboarding - Ollie that are difficult on Earth may be possible in space.
- Helmet - Safety is important.
- Hot dog - Yummy.
- Apple - Yummy. The law of universal gravitation is too difficult to understand.
- Rubber Duck - Heal in the bath or in space.
- Toy box - The boy can neatly put away his toys.
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