Sweet Home Alabama

(A collaboration w/ BraveArrow14 & Valiantbrick24)

Singing Sweet Home Alabama recently (w/ the band I’m in) inspired this build. I did some research & found this song was actually played on a Fender Stratocaster.  Recorded in 1970-1972, the song was created by Lynyrd Skynyrd. The band was made up of seven people, but we focused on the 3 men who composed the song. The man in the center is Ed King (who played the Fender Strat). On the left is Ronnie Van Zant (lead vocalist) & on the right is Gary Rossington (who came up with the idea for the song). Because of the work & creativity of these 3 men, this song is still well-known & enjoyed today! 
The foundation of our build is a CD case - the CD is turned into a stage & the case is the backdrop. On the backdrop is the song title & the outline of a guitar.  The back of the build (which would be the cover of case) holds the band’s name.   
I hope you all enjoy this & take a minute to listen to Lynyrd Skynyrd’s song- Sweet Home Alabama!
#lynyrd skynyrd
#fender stratocaster
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Strike a chord with the Fender Stratocaster!

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