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Mick Jaggers Stratocaster Replica the Rolling Ston

Hey there, thank you for clicking on my entry!

This is a pixel replica of the famous Mick Jagger's Fender Stratocaster. As you can see it is constructed and secured using round tiles and plates, making it very 'poster like' so you could pretty much hang it on your wall! However, I also tried to add some 3d elemets to it to add some dynamic. I did this by adding flexible strings, and 3d knobs.

Some background info: Mick Jagger is a famous British singer,and was one of the original members of The Rolling Stones. The Rolling Stones were an English rock band, most popularly known for songs like, Paint it Black, Satisfaction. As a rock lover, I really enjoy listening to The Rolling Stones and listen to them pretty much every day! (hence why I wanted to submit this entry)

Thank you for reading and please feel free to comment your opinions.

#the rolling stones
#fender stratocaster
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Strike a chord with the Fender Stratocaster!

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