The Kentrobaryonyxsaurus

Introducing the Kentrobaryonyxsaurus, which means Spiked Heavy Claw Lizard. Wu asked me to help him make a hybrid that was  unique. I created a hybrid that is part Baryonyx and part Kentrosaurus. When my beast was created, we waited until it grew to it's full size to see if it would be a scary enough for the park. We found out that it only liked to eat fish, and that it didn't have a scary behavior. Its behavior was similar to the Kentrosaurus, and was way more gentle than the Baryonyx. Wu was disappointed because he wanted dinosaurs that would scare the audience in Jurassic World. The only time the Kentrobaryonyxsaurus was scary was when someone was late to feed it it's fish. He said I could keep the hybrid if I wanted, because he said he made a hybrid that would frighten the world. I was happy to keep the hybrid because I was beginning to like it. I took my hybrid to a safe island away from any dangerous hybrid that Wu was trying to create.

Thanks for looking at my creation!  :)
#jurassic world
#jurassic park
#hybrid dinosaur
#ideas contest
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Unleash your own genetically modified hybrid dinosaur!

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