
I knew Dr Wu was really good at creating genetically modified dinosaurs so I decided to have him help me with creating the exiasaurus. Exi means 6 in Greek, the reason for naming it the exiasaurus is that the Dino is a mixture of 6 dinosaurs, diloposaurus for the crests and the frills on the side of the head, t-Rex for the head, velociraptor  for the arms and legs/feet, spinosaurus for the spine on it’s back, anklyosaurus for the bulb on the tail, and stegosaurs for the spikes in the tail.

i thought it would be a great idea, until I realized that having a t-Rex sized acid spitting Dino was not a good idea at all...

for the acid spitting part of the Dino I used stud shooters that fire three height stacks of green studs, the studs get fired when they are loaded and the head is squeezed. I could not capture the studs firing because it would be to blurry and I would have to have my limb in the picture. 

That is my exisaurus.
Image attached to challenge
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