All Seasons: In From the Cold

In the deep of the winter, with the heavy snow laying thick on the ground, a farmer brings his sheep in from the bitter cold outside.

I created this model as it reminds me of the coldness of the winter months and that feeling of coming in from the cold and being protected from the elements outside. I picked sheep for the display as in winter they will have grown their full fleece which also adds to that feeling of being warm in the cold (like they are wearing coats).

Inside the small barn there is a fireplace which the farmer can light to help provide extra heat. Outside the barn there are some logs for the fire, a bucket filled with snow and a small pond which has frozen over.

Beside the barn I added a snow covered fir tree and also a snow covered cart with hay to help show how thick the snowfall has been and to help add to the overall impression of just how cold it is. In the snow there are some deep footprints made by the sheep as they slowly walk back to the barn.

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