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Tradition Meets Technology in Tranquility

This build showcases the 3 aspects of Japanese culture; Tradition, Technology, and Tranquility. The traditional tea house, bonsai, and bridge are showcased on the left side of the garden, and a cyberpunk technology version is contrasted on the right. The traditional side uses the wood and white color scheme, and has a table set for tea inside. Outside is a woman wearing the traditional Kimono, as well as a large bonsai and a simple stone path leading to a traditional red and white bridge. The other side contrasts this with metal paneled walls and a vibrant blue roof. Inside is an armchair and table with tea, and outside is a girl listening to music. This color scheme is continued across the futuristic walkway and bridge. Plants are replaced here by crystal structures and a holographic bonsai.

This was also my first build, and I had fun experimenting with roof techniques and trying to make minifigures with a limited selection.

Thanks for checking it out!
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#tea garden
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