Tree Portal

Nancy has just crawled through an unknown tree portal, entering the "Upside Down".

Her torch is failing and in front of her in the dark she sees a strange figure eating an animal on the ground.

Terrified, she walks slowly backwards and steps onto a vine with a loud crunch.

The monster turns and roars in her direction.

Nancy manages to get back through the portal and to Jonathan.

Jonathan watches the portal close on the tree with no sign it was even there.


My Lego tree build pays homage to this series of events.

Operating the red lever will make the portal open and then disappear into the bark of the tree.

Minifigures can pass through the portal between these dimensions.

I have placed a Lego Light Brick in the tree canopy, which can be pressed to simulate the failing torch.

The tree can be placed upside down on the desk when viewing the “Upside Down” realm.

In the “Upside Down” realm you can see Nancy stepping backwards about to step on a vine (A Lego Snake).


I hope you enjoy my model.



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