Hawkins Lab

When I heard about the competition, I immediately thought of Hawkins Lab. It is an impressive building in the series and since it has quite a lot of screen time, I decided to build it with bricks. From day one of the competition to today (the 25th of May) I spent a lot of time on this model every day.

The model consists of four separate parts as seen in the photos. In the middle part there is the portal to the Upside Down. In the right-hand part, if you look at it as in photo 1, there is the room where experiments are done with Eleven with the Coca Cola can. In this section there is also a general corridor that can be used for different scenes. I used it in the photo for the moment with the Demogorgon at the very beginning of the series. In the front part there is an entrance hall with a counter, some chairs, some flowers and a chandelier. In the left part there is the room with the tube of water that Eleven enters as shown in the series.
#stranger things
#hawkins lab
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