Runner up
Runner up

The Gang on Bikes

Inspired by my favourite song of the original Stranger Things soundtrack called "Kids" that plays in the opening minutes of the very first episode I decided to build what is in my opinion one of the most iconic parts of the series: Mike, Dustin, Lucas and Will on their bikes!

My entry features four highly detailed figurines of the beloved boy gang in their most famous outfits riding their respective bikes. It comes with neat little details such as Dustin's radio headset and iconic hat, Lucas' walkie-talkie and camouflage headband, Will's (in)famous bowl-cut as well as Mike's one-of-a-kind bike itself. Feel free to check out the pictures in full resolution on Flickr. You can also see a 3D view of this entry on Mecabricks.

Thank you for taking a look at my entry and best of luck to the other contestants!
Image attached to challenge
Winners announced
Iconically Stranger Things!

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