D'artagnan the Demodog

You know the old saying. A Demodog is a Demogorgon's best friend!
At least, most of them are. D'artagnan is slightly different however, as he's befriended Dustin Henderson through their shared love of chocolate bars.

The Demodogs are one of my favourite parts of Stranger Things, so it was an instant decision that it'd be Dart who got my time and bricks for this competition. I really wanted to capture the Demodog's animalism with the slightly crouched, prowling look and, of course, no Demo-creature is complete without the petal shaped mouth, so I made sure that was a working feature of the model, lined with as many teeth as possible. I included some green detail towards the middle of the body to show that the creature was still evolving from it's previous demofrog form.

I am a huge fan of both Stranger Things and Lego and I'm very glad that I got to share my creation with so many other fans! Thanks for viewing my entry and I'm sure there are Stranger Things to come in Season 3 of the show!
#stranger things
#will byers
#dustin henderson
#lucas sinclair
#mike wheeler
#jim hopper
#joyce byers
Image attached to challenge
Winners announced
Iconically Stranger Things!

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