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Yu-Gi-Oh! - Millennium Puzzle With Dark Magician and Blue-Eyes White Dragon

Dedicated to Kazuki Takahashi. 

Yugi's Millennium Puzzle, topped by the franchise's two most iconic monsters squaring off: Dark Magician vs Blue-Eyes White Dragon, depicted in their anime colours.

Like many others and their pastimes, latching onto my two hobbies of LEGO and Yu-Gi-Oh! has given me great comfort during some hard times in my life. Hardly unique I know, but therein lies the mass appeal of such a set. Two such beloved hobbies, both focused around collecting, should have plenty of overlap in their target audience. Besides, Yu-Gi-Oh! already has cards based on LEGO, we need LEGO based on Yu-Gi-Oh! to preserve the balance of nature!

Yu-Gi-Oh! fans spend an absolute fortune on cards and other merchandise, we go almost rabid for it. A Yu-Gi-Oh! build will sell enough to make the IP worth pursuing, of that I am certain. Perhaps LEGO could even ask Konami to include an exclusive card with the set as part of the collaboration to boost sales even more! 
#millenium puzzle
#dark magician
#blue-eyes white dragon
#card game
#studio gallop
#kazuki takahashi
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