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The Fifth Element (1997): Futuristic Vehicles

  • Storytelling:
Relive one of the most thrilling and visually iconic moments from The Fifth Element with 998 LEGO pieces. This model captures the heart-pounding police chase where Korben Dallas (Bruce Willis), a reluctant hero and taxi driver, assists Leeloo (Milla Jovovich) in her daring escape from the futuristic New York Police Department.
  • Features:
Korben’s yellow flying taxi and the medium blue police hovercar are designed with a rotation feature, allowing them to move forward and backward for dynamic play. Car interiors have room for minifigures to sit and engage in storytelling moments. The base supports the motion feature of the two flying cars while showcasing a vibrant part of the futuristic vehicles.
  • Minifigures:
  1. Korben: Featuring his iconic orange tank top and rugged demeanor.
  2. Leeloo: Depicted with her distinctive white outfit and fiery orange hair.
  3. Policeman: Representing the futuristic NY, complete with a uniform and a determined expression.

Hope everyone likes it!

#futuristic vehicle
#new york
#flying car
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