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Spike's Arrival in Sunnydale - Buffy the Vampire Slayer

I built this for Buffy and Lego fans. Of all her advisories, Spike is a fantastic character and his arrival in Sunnydale is iconic.
With this build, you can play out his dramatic entrance to the show and drive his car over the collapsible village sign. Then you can build his crypt home where he plans and schemes the defeat of his nemesis, Buffy!
  • Street corner diorama with collapsing street sign and hidden kitten (needed for later in Spike's story.)
  • Spikes car (Desoto 1959 Fireflite) - built using Speed Champions techniques and scale.
  • Spike's crypt with removable roof and full detailed interior including a secret trapdoor to escape into Sunnydale's underground network, plus his hidden shrine to Buffy.
Hopefully, fans of the show will find the easter eggs amusing and enjoy playing out the exploits of Buffy and Spike. Also, Lego fans will hopefully enjoy the detailed builds that pack a lot into just less than 1000 pcs.
Your watcher friend...

#speed champions
#buffy the vampire slayer
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