The Bend of the Road
I've always wondered: what would it be like to drive in zero gravity? Or, even better, going full speed on a loop de loop on a Ducati?
For this build, I decided to incorporate two places I've always wanted to drive: on a "upside down" loop de loop road, and a city based on Chinatown in Los Angeles. For the lighting, I decided to go with a nighttime style shot, allowing the city streets to light up the road. The road goes up and over the city, so you can drive wherever you want. With a Ducati and imagination, there are no rules!
I had a ton of fun with this build. The road was tricky to get just right, and incorporating Eastern Asian-inspired architecture was fun although somewhat difficult. As for the motorcycle, I decided to build a Ducati Moto, my favorite Ducati model.
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