Ron’s Heroic Return

When Harry is doing the night watch, he suddenly sees a blue light. This blue light takes the form of a silver doe (which is not visible on my winter scene). The doe takes him to a frozen pond. At the bottom of this pond, Harry sees the sword of Gryffindor (a powerful object, capable of destroying horcruxes). In his attempt to dive up the sword, the locket (one of the 7 horcruxes of Voldemort) around Harry’s neck tries to strangle him. Luckily Ron apparates and saves Harry. After Ron destroyed the locket, they head back to the tent and reconcile with Hermione.

This story line is one of my favorites. It’s such a relief that Ron is back. The tent wasn’t easy to construct. I added some details like the radio, the bunk bed, and some other significant furniture. Constructing water was also a challenge. It took some time to build the pond! There are two little mechanisms in my construction: the tent can be partially folded and Ron can apparate very quickly when needed.

I enjoyed this contest!

#harry potter
#sword of gryffindor
#winter scene
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Recreating a Magical Harry Potter™ Holiday Scene!

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