Multicolored Rotating Cicle Trophy
In my entry I show my trophy called the multicolored rotating circle trophy, I would like to explain why it is so called because when you turn it around quickly you see a multicolored rotating circle and that's why I call it that.
It has a design of bricks that form an 11x4x4 brick in which it holds 2 curls that go down (one yellow and one blue) on top of others, but upwards, on top of those curls upwards, place a circular brick with a hole in it. the center and place some bricks progesively also upwards so that at the end there would be a brick that would finally hold 1 minifigure for each curl. As you can see in the images (photo 1,2)
I also put a combination of bricks up to the bottom so that when I rotated it had an FLL sign and for that to be possible I put a letter on each side of the trophy (photo 3,4).
It has a 14x24 brick and I put a 4x15 tile for the special metal piece
please tell me what you think in the comments!
good day!
by maestrolego124
good day!
by maestrolego124
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