The Trophy

Each of the pillars around the transparent cup represent the two philosophies and four core values of First Lego League (FLL). 

The FIRST philosophies are Gracious Professionalism and Coopertition. Both philosophies are express through their six core values, Discovery, Innovation, Impact, Inclusion, Teamwork and Fun.

Inside the transparent cup is the trophy position. For 2nd and 3rd position, the transparent cup for both will be the same size and smaller than 1st. position trophy cup. Pictures show the 1st position trophy cup size (10 studs wide) difference as compare to 2nd/3rd position trophy cup (8 studs wide). The positon numbering is shown in one of the picture, with "1" slightly higher. The numbering color can be change to any other colors, this is build using available color that I have for the needed parts.

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Winners announced
Design the Next FIRST® LEGO® League World Festival Trophy!

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