Tomato Terror

The last Tomato Head restaurant still stands after the fall of Tomato Town. The disgruntled owner lurks inside its walls, desperate for customers. He waits for unknowing people who walk too close to his house, grabs them, and drags them into his house of horrors. No one knows what truly happens inside that house, or what happens to his new ‘customers’ that end up on the other side of the door. For all we know, they could be locked up and forced to enjoy pizzas for the rest of their lives. One thing is certain, he yearns for more customers. Now that Halloween is around the corner, he's started putting pumpkins out to trick more unwilling customers into his door.

*No technic, decorated bricks, or stickers used*
*Build fits within the dimensions given*
#tomato town
#tomato head
#haunted house
Image attached to challenge
Winners announced
Brick or Treat! Fortnite VS Halloween: The LEGO Challenge!

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