I Dare You to Open the Chest.
Hello Everybody.
I could not resist this challenge. Just awesome.
So my idea was: A very cute, and cuddly hand (that maybe needs a nailjob and some toothpaste) that would come out of the ground and give you a little shake. But then with a little twist.
I would be great to put the hand, and the fingertops in the game, but maybe not the chest I built.
Use an actual chest from the game between the fingertops.
Then, maybe the pro's from Fortnite could (optionally) animate the fingers, so they'd move a little? That would look really awesome.
I would not dream of walking towards that chest, let alone try to open it. But I'm a little kitten :) in comparison to the real gamers out there.
I hope everybody likes the idea, and is a little bit scared of it.
Happy.., or beter yet, scary building everybody. And good luck with the challenge.
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