Astronomical Evolution

Stars and other visible celestial bodies of our solar system have intrigued mankind since the beginning. The evolution of the science of astronomy and the development of mathematical tools has provided us with explanations of what is observed in the sky. That evolution led to incredible technology and engineering feats:
It all started with fear and omens read into eclipses. 
Then large structures were erected to predict the return of events like the spring solstice which allowed better agriculture.
Artefacts were developed to allow navigation at sea even without any visible land.
Astrophysics allowed launching satellites leading to the communications as we know them today.
What does the future hold? Will science, technology, Engineering and Mathematics concretize into the exploration of our red neighbour planet? Let’s hope so!

This set is an hommage to all those pioneers that help advance Astronomy and Astrophysics! It has 966 pieces.

You must agree to the LEGO Ideas Terms of Service in order to participate in this Challenge. You can also confirm your submission is between 50 and 1,000 elements:

I agree to the LEGO Ideas Terms of Service, I can confirm/prove my submission is made up of between 50 and 1,000 elements.

#night sky
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