Engineers Build Our Cities

Who knows how far down it is to the ground!

What would the world be without engineers? We would not be able to travel and we would not have anywhere to live. Thanks to the engineers we can have good infrastructures and cool buildings even in the most challenging locations. The Engineer profession is something that interests me particularly in construction. Making calculations that buildings should last in all different weather conditions and making sure that we can be safe is a job that is extremely important. Especially now when there is a lot of construction going on around the world.

My build contains almost 1000 pieces and it was very fun to build. Hope you like it.

You must agree to the LEGO Ideas Terms of Service in order to participate in this Challenge. You can also confirm your submission is between 50 and 1,000 elements:

I agree to the LEGO Ideas Terms of Service, I can confirm/prove my submission is made up of between 50 and 1,000 elements.

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