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Mechanical Ballet - Minifigure Scale Engineering

Putting the E in STEM, this is my humble tribute to the amazing engineering known as the "mechanical ballet" or bottling line if you prefer!
Seeing a bottling line in action is a thing of mechanical beauty. This minifig scale tribute has quite a few fun features:
  1. You can push bottles in using a finger or brick separator.
  2. Bottles will flow around the attractive curves of the line. Bottles can be "filled" using the rotating dispenser nozzles, which you can also rotate through 360 degrees.
  3. Finally the cap or closure can be "fitted" using the rolling closure dispenser.
Using Technic at this scale is hard so please thing of this as a City style build.It has some movement options but they allude to the real engineering rather than fully simulating it.
This MOC uses standard Lego bottles. Sadly it doesn't reflect the bottling of more unusual bottle shapes such as the magnificent "Bocksbeutel" but one day...
Made with both real bricks and in - 302 parts, all in official colours

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#minifigure scale
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