Robots Can Improve the World (STEM)

Robots can serve people well if used correctly. To do this, they must be developed specifically to protect the environment.
There is a lot of garbage lying around in the environment of many countries.

There is an activity in class.
The students want to improve the world.

It bothers them that there is garbage everywhere.

The students want to develop a garbage disposal robot. The robot should collect the garbage independently and throw it into its trash can.

 Together with their teacher, they develop this robot in the school workroom.

You must agree to the LEGO Ideas Terms of Service in order to participate in this Challenge. You can also confirm your submission is between 50 and 1,000 elements:

I agree to the LEGO Ideas Terms of Service, I can confirm/prove my submission is made up of between 50 and 1,000 elements.

#rebuild the world
#robots can improve the world
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