Dungeon Master's Screen

They set the story. They send in the monsters. They may even...provide the snacks? Celebrate 50 years of Dungeons and Dragons with this Dungeon Master's Screen.

Flexible, as a DM should be!
Flexes like a real DM screen! The left and right sides of the Dungeon Master's Screen are hinged, allowing you to take up as much(or as little) space you need.

Send in the Monsters!
The front of the screen is partially studded allowing you to attach the included Red Dragon or Beholder trophies, or build on it to fit YOUR game!

Set the stage and build a story together with this Dungeon Master Screen

Please be aware of the special D&D Content Terms communicated in the challenge brief. You must agree to these Terms as well as the LEGO Ideas Terms of Service in order to participate.

I agree to the D&D Content Terms , I agree to the LEGO Ideas Terms of Service

#dungeons and dragons
#dungeon master
#dm screen
Image attached to challenge
Winners announced
50 years of Dungeons & Dragons!

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