
I once played D&D with a large baseplate, Lego Heroica pieces and a bucket of basic bricks to create scenes with.

So this entry is not about being the best looking dungeon to dwell and fight in. It's about being a versatile tool to create any scene you want. It includes base plates, friends and foes, scenery (to hide behind), other things to interact with and a Lego rope and ruler to measure range with.

Let's set the scene;

The cave system finally opens up into a large cavern. Even the Orc can now stand up straight again. But behold, you're not alone! In front of you strares half a dozen of eyes straight into your soul...

Or change it to;

But the bridge appears to be guarded by 2 highwaymen. On the other side of the river you see a fire burning and a camp large enough for about half a dozen creatures. Pay the toll, or what else?

Or take a break in the tavern;

In the dimly lit backroom you find a large chest, small bones and even a few larger ones are scattered on the ground...

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