D&D Chest of Adventures

Dare to join in the D&D spirit of storytelling! The lid is a display stand with four adventurers. Gather your party at the inn and unfold three quest vignettes to find hidden treasure, battle opponents, and discover the secret door!

As your story opens, the grizzled barkeep polishes a glass. “Ye be after adventure, eh? Well, these be adventurous parts."
"We've had bandit trouble — attacking carts on the road and takin’ them to their caverns. Ruthless and bold as brass they are."
"And take that mysterious temple to the West — filled with horrors, I'd wager, but there’s tales of a great stone idol with eyes made of rubies, big as yer fist!”
“Not to mention the old Necromancer’s fortress what's been in ruins a hundred year or more — few that chance it ever return. They never found his spellbook, and some would pay in platinum for such a thing.”
"Now, what can I offer ye?"

Approx. 1,300 parts with figures for a Fighter, Cleric, Ranger, Rogue/Wizard, Bandit, Wight, Skeleton, and Mimic.

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#dungeons and dragons
#treasure chest
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50 years of Dungeons & Dragons!

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