The Red Dragon's Lair

Our four heroes, the fighter, the thief, the magic user, and the cleric (who have been traveling for 50 years) have finally come to the fabled red dragon's lair. While the thief runs off towards the mound of treasure, disregarding the resting skeletons warning, the rest are left to fend off the dragon. Will these adventurers succeed, or will they fall to the dragon... and meet their DOOM?

I took my inspiration from this game's title of Dungeons and Dragons. It took a bit of time researching red dragons, and their lairs to get this right. I based the red dragon off the picture in the 5e monster manual. This model used just under 900 pieces.

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#dungeons and dragons
#magic user
Image attached to challenge
Winners announced
50 years of Dungeons & Dragons!

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