To the Victor Go the Spoils

What's the best part of completing a quest and/or dungeon? The loot of course!
In this fun set, 4 adventures seek out on a quest to defeat an undead lord inside the city-state of Baldur's Gate. The adventures had a hard-fought battle to overcome their foe and in the end succeeded with no major injuries. Intoxicated by the allure of treasure, they race to collect as much gold and jewels as they can carry. However, even amateur adventures know not to dive head first into opening chests. The adventurers, blinded by excitement and lust, fail to notice the mimic hiding within the treasure trove and fall right into its trap.
I wanted to show a scene where the battle had ended and everyone’s guards are down, but sometimes you need to learn the hard way to always be alert. This set is a relatively easy build with lots of detail and an attractive display. The hardest part for me was designing the mimic chest so that it could open and close while still having the iconic teeth and tongue. 

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