Rise of Tiamat

When I think of D&D the first thing that comes to my mind are grand adventures and epic battles alongside my friends. In my opinion, in D&D there is no greater or more iconic a beast than the title creature themselves, a dragon! More specifically Tiamat the evil queen of all chromatic dragons. This set consists of 2,962 pieces and depicts 13 heroes of every D&D class in 5e going up against the dragon queen herself. These characters are-
a Halfling Artificer
Half-Orc Barbarian
Eladrin Bard
Dwarf Cleric
Human Druid
Human Fighter
Tiefling Monk
Human Paladin
Elf Ranger
Halfling Rogue
Dragonborn Sorcerer
Tiefling Warlock and his Gazer familiar
and a Gnome Wizard.

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#dnd submission
#dungeons and dragons
#tiamat the dragon queen
Image attached to challenge
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50 years of Dungeons & Dragons!

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