50th Year of Dungeons and Dragons

Perfect for DMs and players alike, this 2,922-brick set features several iconic pieces of the Dungeons and Dragons multiverse. These features include:

  • A modular dungeon in minifigure scale.
  •  All non-trapped walls can fold down, either expanding your dungeon’s floor or facilitating secret doors. Want a truly large LEGO dungeon? Just drop all the walls and use them as floors!
  • Lagobrix, an adult black dragon, who takes her design directly from the Monster Manual. This dragon is fully articulated.
  • Several other iconic Dungeons and Dragons monsters including a gelatinous cube, a mimic, and a beholder.
  • 5 adventurers including a female bard, a male wizard, a female cleric, a male paladin, and a male rogue.
  • A green 50x50 baseplate and numerous landscape and vegetation pieces.
  • Various weapons, armor, clothing, and shields.
  • 14 “L” coins. L represents the Roman numeral 50, celebrating the 50th year of Dungeons and Dragons.
  • 124 stickers.

Please be aware of the special D&D Content Terms communicated in the challenge brief. You must agree to these Terms as well as the LEGO Ideas Terms of Service in order to participate.

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#dungeons and dragons
#display model
#role playing game
Image attached to challenge
Winners announced
50 years of Dungeons & Dragons!

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