Myconid Mushroom Encounter

Myconid melding circles are a crucial part of their religion and when interrupted can lead to tricky situations for our party.

In the encounter scene, you'll find the wizard zapping one of the spore servants, but he's about to be attacked by the Myconid adult! The knight is battling more servants and a large Myconid spout in the foreground to cover the attacks of the other party members. The monk is leaping toward the Myconid Sovereign, while the ranger is taking their best shot as it releases another spore attack! Meanwhile the rogue is in the back, quickly pocketing everything not tied down.

Also shown:
Mushroom Story Time!
Happy 50th from the Sovereign!
And the party too

In this build:
Myconid Sovereign
Myconid Adult
Myconid Sprout
Spore Servants

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#wizards of the coast
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