Lair of the Red Dragon

Red Dragons, iconic D&D villains, are covetous by nature. They hoard their treasures in their lair, ferociously defending it from those who would seek to steal from them. This particular Red Dragon has taken over the halls of a once great king, piles of gold spilling from the entrance. Now, a band of adventurers has set out to defeat this Red Dragon, and reclaim this ruined kingdom and it's treasures for themselves.

Featured in the design are four D&D classes; a druid casting shillelagh on her staff, a cleric standing ready to defend his companions, a wizard (and his cat familiar) summoning a wall of water from his spell book to help the cleric, and a thief rogue who can't resist the opportunity to begin taking some treasure for himself.

Spilling from the entrance of the lair are mounds of the dragons gold treasure. And of course, the mighty red dragon, exiting his lair to face the interlopers head on, flames sparking from his jaws.

Pieces: 2270
Width: 11.5''
Depth: 7''
Height: 10''

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